Do you has a Question?
+33 (0) 6 78 59 42 55
Don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions..
Telephone reception
+33(0) 3 80 66 85 30
Open office
Mon - Sun : 06:00 - 22:00
Do you need to make specific arrangements for your limousine trips? The Bourgogne Discovery team is on-hand to satisfy your needs.
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Professional Certifications
Your prestige chauffeur is a certified professional and a member of the French association of chauffeur companies: FF-EVTC.
SIRET : 75168918300034 - TVA : FR 18 751 689 183 - Official prefectural approval n°EVTC021180008
No. Driver : 0050290 - No. Professional Card : 02117001001